Tips for hair transplant pre-surgery care, Hyderabad clinics

A hair transplant is a good option to get rid of baldness. The best hair treatment in Hyderabad can be had to do away with baldness problems which can be embarrassing.

All surgeries do involve certain risks. From a small surgery of mole removal to in fact the biggest as well as most complicated ones, the risk is indeed constant. Patients are rather keen to know what sort of risks are involved in hair transplant surgeries. These aspects need to be clear as the client has to make sure he or she wants to go in for the surgery and also be able to afford the surgery.

Before surgery, the hair needs to be washed twice a day, two times well. But be careful not to follow the process of hair spa before surgery.

A week before the hair transplant the client need not take hard drugs or any sort of antibiotics as well as aspirin. In case a person is undergoing treatment for a serious illness, he or she needs to consult the doctor about the course of treatment. This way the client can expect the best hair treatment in Hyderabad.

Some patients are more curious to know about the procedure and its risks. Surgeons should make their patients aware of the risks and also any kind of care which needs to be taken before the operation takes place. If those preoperative measures are not taken, that in itself might present a risk to the procedure.

What is a Hair Transplant Surgery?

A hair transplant surgery is performed to replace the bald patches on a person’s head by taking hair from another part of the body. These areas are referred to as the donor areas and are at the back of the head in most cases and at times from other parts of the person’s body in case, the density of hair turns out to be less in one’s back of the head. A hair transplant surgery is considered to be a cosmetic procedure meant to grow hair in the areas of male pattern baldness. But, with increasing cases of hair loss in females, there are hair transplant surgeries for females as well. 

Tips for hair transplant pre-surgery care, Hyderabad clinics

A hair transplant surgery is not suggested for everyone as not all people suffer from conditions that will require a hair transplant surgery or conditions that the surgery can resolve. A few of them are:

  • Hair fall caused due to deficiency in protein.
  • Hair fall or hair loss occurring due to stress.
  • Hair fall caused on account of the usage of medication as well as pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Hair fall occurring due to other kinds of conditions caused on account of sickness.
  • Hair fall due to pregnancy.
  • Seasonal hair fall.

Hair plant surgery is done only when there is a baldness issue and there happen to be signs of baldness. There happen to be two types of hair transplant surgeries. 

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In this sort of hair transplant surgery, a surgeon does pluck 4-6 strands of hair from the back and also makes use of micro blades cutting the hair strands into multiple grafts. These grafts are then rather implanted into the scalp making use of multiple thin needles to puncture the hair follicles to initiate new hair growth. 
  • Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT): This has been acknowledged as being conventional and the oldest type of transplantation, whereby a strip of skin is taken from the side or the back of the hair and then the single strip of skin with hair is cut into numerous parts, thus using micro-needles and these are then inserted into the bald patches.

It is a fact that the best hair treatment in Hyderabad is a viable option for baldness. Many clients seek hair transplants to resolve their baldness issues.