Hair Growth Tips for Thicker and Healthier Hair

In case there is no way to change the texture of one’s hair follicles, there are several hair growth tips to make the hair appear thicker and also reduce breakage. This prevents hair loss, like eating a nutritious diet and also scalp massage.

Thin or thinning hair is rather common and can also affect anyone. Aging, chemical allergies, illnesses, as well as poor nutrition are just a few factors that can contribute.

A person can try home care strategies, but these should not replace professional treatment for an underlying health condition that can cause thin hair, like nutritional deficiency or alopecia.

A few natural hair growth tips:


Eggs are rich in protein, which is required for strong, thick hair.

To use an egg treatment:

  • Beat an egg or 2 eggs together.
  • Apply the mixture to one’s scalp and damp hair.
  • Leave it on one’s scalp for about 30 minutes.
  • Wash the hair well with warm water and mild shampoo.

Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in omega-3 acids as well as other nutrients that are essential for overall health, including hair health. If applying it directly, olive oil does help promote thicker hair. It can soften the hair and moisturize any of the dry areas of the scalp.

To use olive oil:

  • Heat the olive oil to body temperature.
  • Massage the warm oil into one’s scalp and hair.
  • Leave it on for about 30–45 minutes.
  • Wash it out with some mild shampoo.

Few people add honey to the olive oil.

Proper nutrition

A nutritious diet that contains healthy fats, protein, and also a range of vitamins can help thicken, thin, or even thin hair. Thin hair implies a person is not getting enough nutrients.

Thin hair can be dealt with with nutrient-rich foods in the diet:

  • Salmon, which happens to be rich in protein and fatty acids
  • Eggs, which contain protein, omega-3s, and also iron.
  • Walnuts, almonds, as well as other nuts, which are sources of fatty acids
  • Greek yogurt, which is considered a source of protein
  • Green, black, pinto, or even other beans, that contain protein

Orange puree

Vitamin C, pectin, and also the acid in oranges can indeed help the hair in a few different ways.

Aloe gel or oil

The aloe vera plant has several nutrients for the skin, scalp, and also hair that strengthen the hair.


Avocado is rich in vitamin E, and several people believe it to be a good moisturizer. Applying a simple avocado means rubbing it twice a week.

To make an avocado rub:

  • Combine the fruit of, say, 1 avocado with 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture to one’s face and scalp.
  • Let it sit for around 30 minutes.
  • Wash them well with mild shampoo.

Castor oil

Castor oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, which help hair health.

Rub the oil over the scalp and hair until the hair is coated. Leave it on for, say, about 30 minutes prior to washing.

Hair Growth Tips for Thicker and Healthier Hair

Coconut oil

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil can be applied directly to the scalp or even mixed with their regular shampoo.

Hairstyling and scalp massage

Thin hair is no doubt fragile, and also the risk of damage is there.  Make use of a gentle shampoo that does not remove moisture.

Scalp massage

Massaging the scalp helps thicken the hair. It has been found that a 24-week massage treatment increased hair thickness.


This is also known as micro-rolling and means shaving the scalp and pricking it with tiny, sterilized needles in a handheld tool.

Microneedling stimulates one’s hair follicles.


  • Minoxidil (Rogaine).
  • Finasteride (Propecia).

Cold caps

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy can cause hair thinning or loss.

Supplements and shampoos

Several brands sell supplements and also shampoos promising to help stimulate hair growth and thickness.


Hair growth tips are indeed useful.

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