Needs Hair Studio Guarantee

Hair Transplantation Guarantee
For all hair transplantation procedures performed by Needs Hair Studio physicians, we guarantee to replace any non-growing hair transplant graft free of charge, provided the patient has adequate donor hair and meets the following conditions:
Twelve Months Post-Procedure
A minimum of twelve months must have passed since your procedure was performed by a Needs Hair Studio physician.
No Other Procedures
You must not have undergone any other surgical hair restoration procedures by another physician, nor received treatments that could adversely affect hair growth.
Post-Operative Care
You must comply with all post-operative care instructions and attend all follow-up visits.
Physician Assessment
A Needs Hair Studio physician must assess your hair growth and determine the number of grafts to be replaced.
Medical Eligibility
You must be medically eligible for subsequent procedures, as determined by a Needs Hair Studio physician.
Trigen+ with Power Matrix PRP Guarantee
We aim to enhance your appearance and confidence. Our Power Matrix PRP program is designed to show results in 9-12 months. While we cannot guarantee results, customer satisfaction is our priority.
If you are unsatisfied with the results after 12 months, you may apply your initial payment towards a Needs Hair Studio hair transplantation procedure of 800 grafts or more. This offer: