Follicular Unit Extraction & importance in Hair Replacement

Hair replacement can solve the baldness problem. Bald people would like to look good with more hair on their scalp. Advanced hair replacement does help.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) happens to be a type of hair transplant done by taking individual hair follicles from one’s skin and moving them to another part of one’s body where the hair’s thinner or absent. FUE has indeed become more popular than the follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure, which leads to the “hair plugs” appearance.

Hair replacement is indeed a sophisticated method of ensuring a head full of hair.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants are rather carried out by taking individual hair follicles out of one’s skin and also implanting them elsewhere on one’s body. This will rather make the hair in the new area look rather thicker. FUE was indeed meant to replace the “classic” follicular unit transplantation (FUT) technique. Focus is also on advanced hair replacement.

Hair follicular unit transplantation has been a widely used technique to transplant hair follicles into bald areas. Although follicular unit transplantation usually gives satisfactory hair transplantation, efforts have been made to further increase the efficacy of follicular unit transplantation in one’s hair regeneration.

In FUE, the extraction of the intact follicular unit depends upon the principle that the area of attachment of the arrector muscle to the follicular unit is considered to be the tightest zone.

It is important to know that the tightness with which follicular units are rather held in the dermis varies and hence FUE may not be all that suitable in all patients. Prior, to undertaking any patient for FUE hair transplant, the surgeon needs to ascertain whether the patient is a suitable candidate for FUE or not. In the FOX test, the surgeon tends to take out a few grafts from the donor area and then evaluates how many complete or incomplete follicular units are extracted. If the extraction is easy as well as complete units are extracted, then the surgeon should go ahead with FUE; otherwise moving onto the strip technique is better.

Why FUE?

  • Patients who prefer to wear their hair very short.
  • When a patient specifically does request an FUE procedure and enough grafts can rather be harvested to meet his or her needs.
  • In patients with limited hair loss or those who do require small sessions.

Hair replacement can solve the baldness problem. Bald people would like to look good with more hair on their scalp. Advanced hair replacement does help.

Donor area after strip surgery

1. Patients who are having inadequate laxity for a strip excision (too tight skin).

2. For scarring from dermatologic conditions, trauma, or perhaps neurosurgical procedures.

3. When previous scars of strip surgeries do make further strips impossible, then FUE happens to be an indication for further extractions.

  • In patients, who do tend to heal with wide or thickened linear scars.
  • In athletes, who do need to resume full activity immediately after the procedure?
  • For patients with an inordinate fear of pain or even scars.
  • When the body or beard serves as a donor area.
  • FUE technique happens to be the only technique useful in body hair transplantation. The earlier indication of limited areas of the donor site needs to be overcome by Body Hair Transplant.


Surgeon’s perspective

  • It requires less manpower than FUT
  • The procedure is of course less traumatic and surgical experience is not all that essential
  • Graft preparation is minimal.
  • Less equipment is required.

Patient’s perspective

  • Can sport short hair
  • Minimal post-operative recovery time
  • Microscopic scars in the donor area are almost invisible
  • No need to visit the surgeon again for stitch removal
  • Can make use of body hair for added density with this technique only
  • Can cover the pre-existing scar of strip surgery with FUE.

There is a relative lack of physicians performing FUE yet, there is much hype on internet sites about this sort of technique and thus the number of patients seeking the technique is on the rise. Research is indeed required into the refinement, and improvement of instrumentation as well as the efficacy of this technique.