answers to commonly asked questions.

Common Questions


The Needs Hair Studio hair transplant procedure takes hair follicles from the very back and sides of the head and artfully transplants them to thinning or balding areas. With Needs Hair Studio follicular unit technologies, this results in a very natural appearance. Simply put, we take hair from where you have more than you need and put it where you need it more. It’s the ideal solution to baldness because it uses your own hair.

Eyebrow restoration is not makeup or tattooing. In eyebrow transplantation, the hairs above the ears or from the back of the head are transplanted to the brow area for a very natural looking restoration. If you have lost hair permanently from over-plucking, scarring, a skin condition, aging, or if you simply were not born with complete eyebrows, you could be a candidate for this procedure. Eyebrow restoration is suitable for and popular with both men and women.

We encourage you to read more details about eyebrow restoration, Needs Hair Studio patients who have completed this procedure, and the cost of eyebrow transplants.

For the vast majority of patients, virtually all transplanted hair lasts a lifetime. In some cases, a small percentage of transplanted hair may be lost as the patient ages.

Although patients are administered local anesthetics and other medications, the degree of pain or discomfort experienced during or after the procedure varies according to the patient. We may supply patients with medication to use after the procedure, if needed. Many of our patients find that they do not need to take any medication at all after their hair transplant procedure. You can follow the steps of the Needs Hair Studio procedure here, read real-life experiences on the Battle Against Bald blog, or watch a video of how one Needs Hair Studio patient describes his hair transplant experience.

Needs Hair Studio can’t account for the work of others because we don’t know the exact protocols and specific technical variations that are used elsewhere. We can talk to you about Needs Hair Studio’s own hair transplant procedure and our artistry which emphasizes the natural variations in the texture and color of hair, the angles and directions of hair growth, and the size and shape of grafts. The artistry involved in combining these numerous variations significantly impacts the naturalness of the hair restoration results. Not every physician has the skill or training for this refined technique. Needs Hair Studio suggests you visit with others and we also invite you to come in to visit with us at no charge.

Whenever human skin is cut, it always heals by the process called “fibrosis.” This fibrosis (commonly known as scarring) is the skin’s way of healing. Thanks to the skill of our experienced hair transplant physicians, the healing sites in the transplanted areas are usually so small that the fibrosis is virtually undetectable. The scar in the donor area is covered by your existing hair. The Needs Hair Studio hair transplantation procedure is designed to produce a very natural look. In the great majority of cases, the micro-technologies currently used at Needs Hair Studio make the restored hairline virtually undetectable.

Infection occurrences after a hair transplant procedure are rare. In the few cases where infection does occur, it is often due to the patient’s failure to fully follow post-operative instructions. Even when infection occurs, it generally is easily treatable with antibiotics, which can be prescribed by the physician.

The number of procedures necessary to achieve a personally desired goal varies from person to person and the individual degree of hair loss; but in our experience, the great majority of our patients want to have at least two procedures.

Pre-existing medical conditions are always a concern of your Needs Hair Studio doctor. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, please tell your Senior Counselor at the time of your consultation. For your convenience, we have listed responses for some of the most frequently conditions and medications:

  •  COUMADIN: If you are taking Coumadin, you will need to be off Coumadin for a week prior to your hair restoration procedure. When you have a consultation, your Needs Hair Studio physician may require an okay from your physician.
  •  DIABETES: We have performed many hundreds of successful hair transplant procedures for patients with diabetes. However, to determine possible candidacy for hair restoration, you will first need to have a consultation with one of our physicians. Your Needs Hair Studio physician may require an okay from your diabetes physician to confirm that your diabetes is under good control.
  •  INTRAVENOUS SEDATION: At Needs Hair Studio, intravenous sedation is virtually never used for hair restoration procedures. Instead, patients are administered local anesthesia and are able to relax and watch a video, stretch or use the restroom at any time during the procedure. If you would like additional sedation or relaxation, you may request it from your Needs Hair Studio physician who will be pleased to order it for you.
  •  KIDNEY TRANSPLANT: For various medical reasons, a hair restoration procedure cannot be done prior to a pending kidney transplant. However, once a kidney transplant procedure is completed and has healed, your Needs Hair Studio physician can determine if it is feasible for you to have a hair transplant procedure.
  •  LUPUS (Erythematosus) – LE: Our physicians at Needs Hair Studio believe that, in many cases, it is not a good idea to transplant hair into an area where the hair loss caused by LE has occurred. After hair has been transplanted into such an area, the LE process (which caused the hair loss) could recur. However, in some cases (when LE has been inactive for many years) it is feasible to do hair transplants. Your Needs Hair Studio physician will determine this.
Question Answers


Needs Hair Studio distinguishes itself with two key factors: Experience and Natural Results. Needs Hair Studio has been a full-time hair restoration practice since 1974. It is all we do.

Consider these facts:

  •  Needs Hair Studio has performed more hair transplants than any other medical group in the world.
  •  We’ve restored hair for patients from all 50 states and more than 70 foreign countries.
  •  We’ve pioneered many major advancements in the field of hair transplantation during the past 20 years.
  •  Every Needs Hair Studio physician is required to be actively licensed in the state in which he/she practices, and a member of one or more professional associations. Before joining Needs Hair Studio, all of Needs Hair Studio’s physicians have had years of training and experience in their field. If you are interested in seeing a particular Needs Hair Studio physician, we will be more than happy to supply a summary of his professional training and background.

Needs Hair Studio’s follicular-unit techniques result in a hair restoration so natural that we challenge you to tell the transplanted hair from the non-transplanted hair. (Order our DVD and Info Kit and you’ll see a video where real people try to tell the difference.) Needs Hair Studio is recognized for its hair transplant procedure and our doctors’ artistic abilities to create hairlines and growth as natural as your original hair.

You may wish to first review the photos and experiences shared by Needs Hair Studio Patients on this site. You can email some Needs Hair Studio patients to ask about their experiences with hair transplantation.

We can also arrange for you to meet or talk to a patient who has had hair restoration work done. Please call us for more information about in-person meetings: +91 9951712712.

If you see a recently completed hair transplant today that doesn’t look natural, it’s often because it’s a bad hair transplant. Needs Hair Studio hair restorations go unnoticed by you and everyone else in the great majority of cases because they are so natural looking.

Modern research in hair growth has discovered that natural scalp hairs actually grow in small groupings (called follicular units) of 1, 2, 3 or occasionally 4 hairs per unit. At Needs Hair Studio, we try to duplicate nature by closely placing and randomly dispersing 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-hair units just as nature does. With our 20 years of experience in the artistry of hair restoration, we have refined these micro-technologies to the point where often other medical doctors, even upon close inspection, have a difficult time telling which natural hairs are original (non-transplanted) and which natural hairs have been restored (transplanted). Order our DVD and Information Kit to see a video where real people try to discern hair transplantations from natural hair.

Yes. Female hair loss is quite common. Needs Hair Studio estimates that 20 million American women currently experience some degrees of female pattern baldness. Though women typically lose hair in a different pattern than men do—often thinning behind the hairline—the treatment procedure is similar for both. This site explains more about hair loss in women and you can see the results of some female Needs Hair Studio patients.

Common Questions


As you might expect, only our physicians can determine that you are a suitable hair transplant candidate and give you the final answer regarding costs in your individual case.

We invite you to meet with one of our counselors for a free consultation. He or she can provide you with valuable information and has substantial experience in helping you determine the typical cost for a procedure that meets your needs.

In general, most of our patients invest anywhere between a general range of $4,000 – $12,000 per procedure before any available discounts. You can read more about the Needs Hair Studio procedure and hair transplant procedure costs in this site.

While Needs Hair Studio has more than 70 consultation offices, you may need to travel to a surgical office for your procedure. If you fly to a Needs Hair Studio surgical office and have a hair transplant procedure during that same trip, Needs Hair Studio will reimburse your airfare expense in the form of additional grafts. If you are traveling domestically (United States including Alaska AND Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico AND Bermuda) you will receive 50 additional grafts. If you are traveling internationally (Central America, Latin America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia AND all other locations) you will receive 100 additional grafts.

You may qualify for this travel benefit if:

  • You live more than 100 miles from the Needs Hair Studio Regional Surgical Office nearest you and fly to that office for your procedure (Atlanta, Beverly Hills, Boca Raton, Boston, Chicago, Columbus Dallas, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Long Island, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Newport Beach, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Richmond, San Diego, San Francisco, Scottsdale, Seattle, Troy, Virginia Beach, or Washington DC).
  • The Needs Hair Studio doctor determines that you are a suitable candidate for hair restoration and you have a procedure performed at Needs Hair Studio during that same trip.
  • You must bring your round-trip plane ticket and current, valid driver’s license with you to Needs Hair Studio. YOU MUST HAVE BOTH DOCUMENTS WITH YOU AT THE TIME OF THE PROCEDURE IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM. For each subsequent fly-in visit you make to the Needs Hair Studio surgical office nearest you during which you have a procedure performed, this same offer holds. Please note that this reimbursement applies to commercial airfares only and to no other form of transportation. We do not reimburse “frequent flyer miles,” travel by private plane, or airfare for consultation only.

We certainly invite you to bring a friend if he or she is interested. It won’t affect fees. Currently our procedure costs are very competitive and are the same for everyone.

An advance payment is required to confirm your reservation of a treatment room at one of our surgical offices. A payment of $1000 is required for reservation of a treatment room.

Please note that no surgical procedure is performed at Needs Hair Studio until a patient has been evaluated and accepted for treatment by a Needs Hair Studio physician. There is never a charge for a consultation with a Needs Hair Studio physician. The room reservation fee is payable at the time you schedule your appointment and will be deducted from the full payment which is due before your procedure is performed. This room reservation payment is non-refundable unless you notify us at least two (2) week in advance of the reservation you wish to change. (Of course, this room reservation payment is refundable should you not be accepted for treatment by a Needs Hair Studio physician.)

With multiple financing and payment options available, hair restoration at Needs Hair Studio has never been more affordable.† Many patients find financing a convenient, affordable way to get the procedure they want right now. You owe it to yourself to speak with a Needs Hair Studio counselor about how you can make your restoration goals possible today.

By submitting the online application and/ or providing information to Needs Hair Studio for financing, you consent to Needs Hair Studio’s financing rules, regulations and policies, as well as to the rules, regulations and policies of the third party credit agencies. You are also acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the terms of usage and the privacy policies.

To learn more about our financing options and to have your general questions about financing answered, please email us at financing@Needs Hair Studio.com. To apply for financing through our third party credit agencies, simply access and submit the online application.

Financing is available at Needs Hair Studio to patients with approved credit. Actual monthly payment will vary from lender to lender based upon the amount financed, the terms for which you apply, and your credit standing. Rates for various lenders’ programs range from 11.99% to 28.99%. Additional terms and conditions may apply depending on the lender selected.

Question Answer


The manufacturers of both Rogaine tell you that their products are not effective in the frontal area, which is the area of most concern to most patients, especially the frontal hairline. With Rogaine (of which the active ingredient is Minoxidil), the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson claims that approximately 8-10% of users achieve cosmetically effective growth and another 20% get vellus (or peach fuzz) growth.

Merck, the manufacturer of claims slightly better results. Needs Hair Studio has a large number of the official Merck before and after photographs of the Merck study results, which you may closely examine when you come in. You are encouraged to draw your own conclusions as to their results.